Our ‘Living Eggs’ Have Hatched!

Our ‘Living Eggs’ Have Hatched!

Everyone (pupils, staff, parents and visitors) have been seen gathering in reception this week.  They have all been watching the incubator with a great deal of excitement to see our ‘Living Eggs’ hatch.  We have watched the nine chicks break out of their shells one by one and grow in confidence and strength each day.  We now have nine happy healthy cheeping chicks; three boys and six girls.  Miss Evans is the lucky teacher who gets to take them home and care for them this weekend and Class 2 have been given the responsibility of choosing their names from the class’ suggestions.

The names chosen from those suggested are…

Class 1 – Betty, 2 – Rosie, 3 – Charlotte, 4 – Poker Face (he’s a boy!), 5 – Keeff, 6 – Elliott, 7 – Eric, 8 – Zelie, 9 – Soph