
Our Commitments


We are committed to the principle that all pupils have the right to the widest range of learning opportunities possible. We will recognise and develop each individual’s potential to the full and value and celebrate the contribution that they make to everyday life and society. We will strive for excellence in all we do.

Our Aims

To work continually towards providing all pupils at Ash Lea with the highest quality and standard of education possible.

To work closely with parents and maintain an open dialogue to ensure that parents are fully involved with all aspects relating to their child’s education.

To work with pupils, parents and other professionals as partners in education.

To maintain close working relationships with other schools in the community.



To provide all pupils with a happy, lively and caring learning environment where they can develop within a secure and supportive atmosphere.

To involve Ash Lea School in developing a positive relationship with the local community.

To support pupils in maintaining links with their own local community.

To realise the full potential of each child in their academic, social, moral, spiritual and personal development.