Online Resources for Parents
Protect Children Online – E Safety Document
This document provides information that will help you with the various aspects of children going online in order to keep them educated on safety and reporting.
Parental Controls Guide
Set up parental controls for all your devices and filters for your internet connection
CEOP Website (Child Explotation & Online Protection)
Advice for young people, parents/carers & teachers
Tel : 0800 1111
Educate Against Hate
DfE site for information on the PREVENT strategy
Share Aware
Tools and links from the NSPCC
Swiggle is an child-friendly search engine from the Online Safety experts at SWGfL. Designed to make searching the internet for images or content more than just a bit hit and miss. Swiggle can help you with your first steps on the road to better online searching.
Kiddle is another ‘child-friendly’ search engine from America.