Curricular Pathways and Pupil Need

We know that our pupils have individual, varied and complex needs, however, in order to structure a rich curricular offer, to provide all pupils with experiences that are relevant, interesting and challenging, we have adopted a curriculum structure which has four pathways: pre-formal, informal, semi-formal and formal.

The pathways are not defined by age, but by learning needs and attainment. Each pathway covers the understanding, skills and knowledge across a range of curricular areas (the school’s subjects). Pupils are able to move flexibly between pathways at any point during their time at school. Individual learning needs are further met through interventions and each child’s curricular offer is structured through the IEP.

Whilst there are whole school ‘topics’ and curriculum areas, the planning, learning and delivery will differ between classes to meet individual needs. Priorities based on IEP targets, EHCP outcomes, age, need, motivation and learning style all help to build each pupil’s individual curricular offer.

Early Years pupils will join a primary class that is appropriate to their learning need. Baseline assessments are carried out in order to find out which curriculum pathway is best suited to their need.

For pupils at Post 16, whilst learning continues to be driven by IEP targets, the programme of study covers core skills, life after Ash Lea, and personal, social enrichment. There is a greater focus at this stage on supporting pupils and their families to plan and prepare for life after school.

Pre-Formal pathway

Routes for Learning

Ash Lea Steps 1

ASDAN (Post 16)

P1 to P3.

Informal pathway

Ash Lea Steps 1-4

ASDAN (Post 16)

P3 to P5

Semi-Formal pathway

Ash Lea Steps 4-8

ASDAN (Post 16)

Moving on to AQA Entry Levels if achieving Ash Lea 6 by year 9

P5 to the end of the Pre-Key Stage standards (Key Stage 1/Year 2).

Formal pathway

National Curriculum

Moving on to Level 1 & 2 / GCSEs if achieving AL10 by year 9

Working within areas of Key Stage 2 and above of National Curriculum

2022-23 school population: 16%

2022-23 school population: 40%

2022-23 school population: 44%

6% of this cohort are accessing aspects of a formal curricular offer.

2022-23 school population: 0%

Pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD).

Will have other significant difficulties such as physical disabilities, sensory impairment and/or severe and complex medical condition(s), alongside their learning difficulty.

May often be in pain or have experienced childhood trauma through intensive and ongoing medical intervention, premature birth and associated challenges.

Will require a high level of adult support, for their learning, personal care, moving and handling and medical needs.

Will have difficulties with communication, object permanence, understanding of cause and effect, making choices, learning by imitation and following instruction.

Most will communicate through their responses to real experiences, sometimes by gesture, eye pointing and/or vocalisations.

Pupils with complex learning difficulties (CLD) and/or ASD.

May have multiple conditions that co-exist, overlap and interlock to create a complex profile.

Are likely not to use verbal language as their primary means of communication and will express themselves through their behaviour. Although, some may also have a few words, signs and/or symbols.

May have additional sensory processing difficulties.

Will have difficulties with communication, following instructions, interaction with others, play skills and engagement.

May have difficulties with their gross and fine motor skills and co-ordination.

Regulation may be difficult to achieve, even with skilled adult support.

Pupils with severe learning difficulties (SLD) and/or ASD and/or additional needs relating to ASD / trauma and attachment and/or social, emotional, and mental health needs.

Have significant intellectual and cognitive impairments and may also have some difficulties in mobility and co-ordination.

May use signs and symbols, and/or language to communicate, which can affect both expressive and receptive communication skills.

Pupils may have delayed development of co-operative skills with peers.

Other difficulties may be experienced in understanding abstract concepts, maintaining concentration and attention, retrieving both short-term and long-term memory, utilising sequential memory,

processing information, retrieving general knowledge, thinking, problem solving, and generalising previously learned skills.

Pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD) and/or ASD and/or additional needs relating to ASD / trauma and attachment and/or social, emotional, and mental health needs.

Pupils may develop their language skills but at a slower rate than those of a similar age.

Pupil’s ability to understand and process receptive language may be present but is developing at a slower rate.

There can be a delay in their ability to put thoughts into words and sentences and their use and understanding of facial expressions, body language, gesture and intonation.

Pupils may have delayed development of co-operative skills with peers.

Pupils may have difficulty with memory and impaired organisational skills.